The 25-250mm HR and HP Angenieux Lenses were industry standard workhorses for decades. Still in use because of their lower contrast, warm vintage appeal, the HR and HP zooms are a great option for taking the edge off of modern digital cinema sensors.

The lens was designed for Academy 35mm format which is smaller than Super 35mm, but we have expanders which allow this lens to work with just about any sensor.

NOTE: We highly recommend using the Veydra 1.2x or Jacek 1.4x expander with this lens to get better sensor coverage on cameras with sensors larger than Super 35 like Alexa Mini Open Gate and RED Gemini, Dragon, Helium. The Veydra allows lenses like these to cover much larger sensors with virtually no loss of image quality and only 1/4 stop of light loss!

Angenieux’s oldest zooms are really special. They have excellent image quality, with as much sharpness as most people need, but with so much character. Their old coatings result in lower contrast images, that are very flattering. Those coatings also result in gorgeous magenta and amber lens flares. Bokeh is really striking thanks to some spherical aberration, which gives this zoom a look no modern zoom can match.